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WHY? Sometime i start to download one torrent.. and i wait wait and he joint red and dont find peers and dont downloading... in status write refresh.. and work... but.. nothing.. and i close and star again utorrent... ANd i have speed problem with Bitcomet i download with 950 strong kb ор 1mb but with uTorrent with great difficulty 800 850.. i turn off DHT networking i have default and right seitings and port... but ?? On 1.7.7 stable and now in beta 1.8 i have same problems... :( HEEELP

p.s. sry for my bad english

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HORRIBLE settings -- you should not start that many torrents simultaneously. Select the proper preset in the Speed Guide that corresponds to your connection's upload rate. If the problem persists after doing that, then tell us what the tracker status is for the affected torrents.

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omg, that is why use utorrent because is light. I am uploader and this torrents must seed. How like i not start that many torrents... As well ass download and seendeng torrents from another trackers.... O_o And i can have 60 torrents (for me is little) but active torrents are 4,5....

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Just because µTorrent is a relatively-lightweight client doesn't mean you could start as many torrents as you want left and right. You still need to consider the fact that you're overloading your connection by starting too many torrent jobs simultaneously.

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Read as: Your QUEUE is too large. The presets in the speed guide work well. If you prefer to keep current connection and upload limits you can just change the queue values, but if that much is running at once it's probable your settings are bunk there too. So start over with the Setup Guide (Guides page link #3) and use the correct drop-down option in the Speed Guide (Ctrl-G). Then test with OOo or slackware. while doing your uploading.

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I can't seem to hit that graphic, but judging from your previous picture... you were still trying to run too many torrents at once. As Torrent Status icons shows, red means tracker specific error, which shows in the General tab. The purpose of the queue is to keep you uploading EFFICIENTLY among all your seeding torrents. You can control them with the Ctrl-P -> Advanced -> queue.* options. Read through the manual (linked above in Ultima's sig, below in my sig, and in the Guides page link #1) for an explanation and Advanced Preferences.

If the tracker error is timeout, it should resolve itself after you reduce your settings... and troubleshoot using Ultima's How-To. If however it is something else, you can right click, copy-paste the message in here, or go to that tracker to ask about it.

What did you change your Speed Guide settings to?

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