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Weird problems...certain otrrent just don't start


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For the last year or so utorrent worked great. My ports are forwarded properly, and the known settings for speed, number od downloads and connections is all correct. Infact, i've changed nothing from the glory day.

Anyway, what happens is that the torrent is well seeded (more seeders than leechers) and then it just doesn't connect to anyone, expect to the peers that have 0% (usually to just 1, but sometime more). And nothing, it doesn't download or anything.

For example this simpsons episode download


it lists 271 seeds, 71 peers, and nothing happens except the connection to 2 peers who have 0%. At the same time other torents are downloading/uploding normaly. However, even if i cancel all other torrents the problematic ones don't work.

The first time it happened i clicked on "update tracker" and it worked, but only that one time. Some of them would download sometime if i left them for days, or after restarting PC, other never even started. I really have no idea what could be wrong, so any help is aprechiated.


PS: I have the network OK green mark.

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I just tried those two and they both work perfectly - instant top speed.

It seems to be case to case, but i have no idea what is causing it. I got to urge to watch some simpsons, started downloading them...ep 15, ok, 14 ok, and them 13, 12, 11 nothing, no matter how many different torrent version i try. Just tried 08 and 09, nothing. even thou they appera to be heavily seeded.

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For that one at least yes :( Usually when someting is split into rars they are all the same size, you'll see this roughly as the same filesize in the Files tab in uT, and definitely if you use a capable editor (like Ultima's Bencoded File Editor in my signature)... and look at the filesizes in the torrent. Common sizes include 50 million bytes and 15 million bytes.

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