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Very fast upload, Very Slow Download.


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I've been trying to download something for the last two weeks.

I've forwarded the ports for utorrent, and I consistantly am uploading uploading at a high speed. I upload anywhere between 40 and 60kb/s. However, my download speed is inconsistant at best. Occasionally it will get speeds around 60 kb/s, but that only lasts around 10-15 seconds, then it's back down to anywhere between 0.5-1.5 kb/s. At the moment, i'm connected to 2 of 80 seeds, and 22 of 750 peers (i think). I tried limiting my upload speed to 20 and 10 kb/s. When i did that my download didn't change a bit, and my upload was always at max.

I don't know a whole lot about torrents and networking and stuff. I just want to know why i'm downloading so damned slow, but i'm uploading hella fast.

Anyone have any advice?

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In µTorrent's Advanced Options you can change the value. Also, it depends on the swarm if you get good speeds or not. Do not expect to always max out your download bandwidth, as this is unrealistic because it rarely happens. :)

I thought that the advanced options might be where i needed to go, however, i don't have anything called peer.disconnect_inactive_interval. Perhaps because i'm using utorrent 1.2 and not 1.3?

Like i said, I've been downloading this for over 2 weeks, and i'm 90% done now, and i don't want to install a new client. I'm afraid maybe my download might get messed up or something if i switch from 1.2 to 1.3.

And I'm not really expecting to max out my download bandwidth or anything, just that i'm constantly uploading at my max, and about 95% of the time my download is between 0.5 and 1.5kb/s. When i do get fast speeds (between 20-60kb/s) it only lasts about 10-15 seconds, then it's back down to my slow speeds.

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Upgrading won't affect your downloading torrent. I recently upgraded Azureus 0.4 (which was working fine), to 0.6 and had major speed problems. So I clean installed 0.4 (worked fine), upgraded a second time to 0.6 and finally, while I was trying to get advice on my 0.6 problem, disccovered uTorrent and decided to give it a try. The point being that I essentially restarted the torrents with three different programs without a problem. Actually, I also tried BitComet, which I didn't like. If upgrading to 1.3 DID cause a problem for you, which it shouldn't, (I haven't upgraded uTorrent myself), then just open the torrent, it will scan the file(s) and resume where it left off.

One note, if your concerned about it, write down your current share ratio before you upgrade, so that if it gets reset you'll know how much farther to go. If your really, really concerned, make a backup of the file or folder for the torrent. The share ratio shouldn't get reset if your upgrading unless you do a clean install.

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Well i upgraded and i'm still getting the same problem. I'm a little baffled by this really.

I check my peers list when i AM downloading fast, and i watch as i download from one user at speeds like 15-20kb/s for about 10-20 seconds consistantly. Then his speed slowly drops off, 15 kb, 10, 5, 2 ,1.5, 0.5. It'll hover about 0.5 kb/s then it'll just stop downloading from him, but he's still on my peers list. Why can't i keep downloading from this guy for more than 10 seconds at a time?

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