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help please


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I have been using utorrent for over a year without any problem

Tonight I lost all the torrents that were shown on the u torrent GUI. I can't get them back so I thought oh well start afresh. I have now started to download a file which is 22% complete BUT the logger, pieces, files, general are showing absolutely nothing. I am downloading at 22.0 kbs which is good for me, but I don't understand why nothing is showing. The port forward is ok , I have a green triangle which says everything is ok but no files. can anyone help please.as I might as well stop the download ?


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Hi Jewelishaven

Doh, Sorry for troubling the forum with a stupid question. Now you have said highlight

the download it's all there. to think i've been using it for a year, but I have always had around 5/6 torrents on so I suppose one has always been highlighted at some time.Thanks for your reply though I can relax a bit now. Any idea what happened to the torrents I lost ? or have they dissapered to the great torrent in the sky lol.

Once again thanks for putting an old man at ease :)

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;) sure thing.

One thing I point to is http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?pid=287849#p287849 which is a thread where someone with that exact problem needed assistance in getting back the lost data. The thing is, uT only stores one backup concurrently with your existing settings. THeoretically with uT closed you have up to 2 good working resume.dat files. Once however you start up uT, you have 30 seconds until you go from possibly 1 to NO backups prior to starting uT again. So it is a good idea (now that you know about it) to read around here (searching for resume.dat or lost torrents should get you started) and see what avenue you choose to keep this from happening again.

The only reason why one who uses alot of torrents would want to do this is to save (most) of the time spent post-crash in a rechecking state of all the previously running torrents. (Automatic rechecking of active torrents happens to verify integrity of data)

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