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I'm very new to utorrent, but a quick learner.

I have been downloading for about 2 weeks now, and the problem is with the amount of usage versus the actual downloads I am obtaining, which is less than half my usage, and with a 20g plan I have used 62% in the last 5 days, with not much to show for it.

I have looked at the help faq, but can't seem to find the answer there as I don't have any of the antivirus mentioned or the router.

I also noticed yesterday that on 1 file alone I have downloaded 2.11g but have 1.8g hashfalls, so I assume that's my problem, although I have no idea what hashfalls are?

Any help would be appreciated

Thank you


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As far as 1.8/2.1 GiB downloaded hashfails.. I'm sorry. Apparently you chose content which has nefarious peers afoot or your connection itself has a problem. Is there something UNUSUAL about your connection? What ISP? What kind of internet? Did you search with those terms when you looked?

You have a 20 GiB monthly plan.. while not alot, it still comes up fast, especially if you don't ONLY bittorrent to use bandwidth. Lots of uploading/downloading of photos from sites like flickr.com or youtube.com eat bandwidth LIKE NOTHING ELSE. uT has features you can disable, while they aren't HUGE bandwidth eaters, being on 24/7 does eat up a chunk of your quota.

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I am with optusnet adsl 2, and although I do surf, looking mainly for the best price on things I need to buy, before changing to optus and downloading utorrent files, I only had 1g a month, and that seemed to be enough.

Is there any way of telling about the files you want to download with 'nefarious' peers, and as far as I know there's nothing unusual about my connection

I plan to re-format my computer anyway soon, and the only thing stopping me is that I have 4 files at least 1/3 way through.

If I re-fornat and re-install utorrent, do you know if the files will pick up where they left off, as I have them going to a 1tb external hard drive for safe keeping, or will I have to start again

Thanks for your help

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Of course you can resume after a format. It certainly doesn't SOUND like it's your computer. If you search on here for OPTUS ... or maybe some ozzie users can help you. I know there's some things specific to your type of ADSL...

Here's the link for backing up your stuff. http://utorrent.com/faq.php#How_can_I_backup_my_settings.3F To restore them after a format, copy the data back to where you got it from. Be sure the external drive has the same drive letter as now. And you're good to go.

If it doesn't work, or isn't the same... you can use Ultima's BFE (in my sig) to find/replace the paths.

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