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checking goes very slow!!


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when i start my computer, and start utorrent. it begins to check every movie before it begins to download. but it takes about 3 hours pr movie!! right now in the button of my utorrent, there is a red warning "not connectable, a firewall/router is limiting your network traffic. you ned to open up a port so others can connect to you".. is that why it takes 3 hours for every movie? or is it becouse that the movies is on a seperate harddrive??

if anyone can help my, that would be great


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Checking depends 1) on the piecesize 2) your bus speed... Go to Speed tab, change dropdown menu from upload and download to "Disk Statistics"... you will see the amount of hashing being done.. both size and rate. Multiply size by rate to get throughput. If it's VERY low compared to the speed of the link, you have a problem. Double check in Device Manager in windows that the link is not running in some OLD slow mode. Then why not try storing CURRENT downloads on your local drive, and utilizing the move-when-completed function to move it externally when you won't be writing to it. This will remove the checking upon-opening.

HOWEVER you have some problem if they check EACH time you open uTorrent you may want to invest in Ctrl-P -> Advanced -> bt.graceful_shutdown as it will wait for uTorrent to complete its write of resume.dat before closing. Keep in mind this may slow your uT closing by up to 5 minutes (reports, never experienced that myself). Also I would look around on http://utorrent.com/download.php and check out 1.8 Manual for the upcoming release. It has some increased features in this area which SHOULD REDUCE your checking times for files. Also you shouldn't have too many checking files unless you're on a fast line.... What are your settings in Ctrl-G?

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