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Linksys WRT54GC problem with port forwarding!


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Hi, I'm new to the forums and yes I have searched the forums and read the FAQ, other forums stickies etc but can not find anything useful that will help.

I have been onto the portforwarding.com site that uTorrent redirects you to when you try to check if the port is forwarded properly.

I have set up a static IP address and added the ports, IP address etc to the Linksys set up router setup page. I have checked the right boxs in the preferences in uTorrent and done everything properly, double checked my settings etc and everything is right.

BUT the port, when checking to see if it is forwarded properly, it tells me it isn't. I don't understand why. I only have Windows Firewall installed, no anti-virus software of another Firewall on here and I am using Windows XP Vista.

Does anyone know how to get my little indicator in the buttom to go from a yellow caution sign to a green symbol because it isn't working, I have even checked and unchecked the Enable Encryption box and still, nothing. I don't understand what I have done wrong.

Can someone please give me advise, show me a better website or whatever so I can get my download speeds to be at maxium to what they can be rather than 60kbps, which is annoying when I've had over 200kbps before, now it just won't forward the port and I don't understand why.

All help is appriciated.


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