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utorrent downloads fast for 3 minutes and then downloads slowly


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You probably need to increase uTorrent's encryption settings.


Azureus encryption level 0 is equivalent to µTorrent's "Disable" for outgoing encryption with "Allow legacy incoming connections" checked

Azureus encryption level 1 has no equivalent in µTorrent (weak encryption anyway -- it's only header encryption)

Azureus encryption level 2 is equivalent to µTorrent's "Enable" for outgoing encryption with "Allow legacy incoming connections" checked

Azureus encryption level 3 is equivalent to µTorrent's "Enable" for outgoing encryption with "Allow legacy incoming connections" unchecked

Azureus encryption level 4 is equivalent to µTorrent's "Forced" for outgoing encryption with "Allow legacy incoming connections" unchecked

Azureus encryption level 5 doesn't really have an equivalent in µTorrent. uTorrent's DHT can be disabled and uTorrent can be firewalled by a router, preventing your computer from "seeing" incoming connections.

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