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Spin down HDD


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Hola amigos,

I am using my HP DV9000 laptop as a 24hr torrent box to seed and download torrents.I;ve reserved a seperate HDD for Torrents alone.The Internet speeds are terrible in my area (About 20KB/s),hence i have to keep my lap running for Weeks at a stretch to get a file.

The amount of download in one Night comes to 500~600MB only.My main concern is,The HDDs keep spinning for weeks and I am worried for their health.They run continiously at 45.C.

I tried Tinkering with Disk cache settings and Set a manual RAM cache of 700MB.I've also disabled RAM saving in the preferences.My laptop has tons of RAM,2GB to be exact.I've set HDD to spin down after 3mins in Windows Power option.But HDDs still keep spinning.

Is there a way i can force Utorrent to use RAM,and keep my HDDs Spun down?

That'll drastically improve their life as well as reduce power consumption.


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That did'nt help much,Still thanks anyways.

I am not spinning them down and Revving up every now and then.

Kudows to internet speeds,The HDDs will need to spin ONCE every night or so.

Kindly read the whole post and add your Input.

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Even if all the file data is cached, utorrent has to write the resume data every so often, so your drive won't ever spin down while actively torrenting. There is no way to configure utorrent so your drives will never spinup.

There isn't really any point either, it's not going to extend the life of the drives.

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Oh now I understand!

Thanks schnurlos!

The Whole torrent cannot be cached for seeding! ha ha!.

Maybe i should start on designing a fan to Cool the HDD rather than wasting time on Settings.

They're continiously 45.c

And those are one of the premium 7200RPM 8MB cache laptop drives in RAID 0

and yeah,

I want a fucntion in next version like-

"Write to HDD every 3hrs" or so.

When only Downloading,It'll allow HDDs spin down a rest a bit! :)

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