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Inteno x5668 and Linksys WRP400


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I use Inteno from my ITP. NAT has been config like descirbed under portfoward.com. Several times. IP as DHCP has given the Linksys I use behind the Inteno (cause of better functionality regarding IP-telephone). The Linksys has been config like portforward.com descibes for WRP200. UPNP, PMP and random port has been unchecked in uTorrent. uTorrent has been restartes. Autpomatic update in windows firewall is enabled. Microsoft forefront has been closed (just to check if it worked). No other firewall is installed. The icon lights yellow and the download rate is poor...I have trippel checked every config and done it again and again but portforward keep telling me the port is not open...Also, skype is working perfectly, with it's own port...I would believe this to be some of the same? Glasnost reports no problems with the ISP

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Well, ok starting at the beginning. You are mentioning an Iteno, is this your modem from the ISP, or your ISP you get internet from (google returns 0 hits)? I understand you are not native English speaker, so going slow is very well.

You also mention your Linksys. OK, if you have your own port for skype, did you set it up exactly the same way with only change to the #? You mention DHCP is disabled. Is your static IP outside the default range? (use 150-250)

If you download http://slackware.com/torrents/ for a minute or two, do you see the green status light http://utorrent.com/faq.php#What_do_the_Network_Status_lights_mean.3F and "I" in the Peers tab, Flags column? http://utorrent.com/faq.php#What_do_all_those_flags_in_the_Flags_column_mean.3F

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Inteno, not Iteno. You should get results from google. Found for example this:


This is the broadband router from my ISP where I get my Internet.

Skype is set up exactly the same way with only the portnumber different.

No, DHCP is enabled in both routers. I couldn't find anything in the Inteno setting up a fixed adress for the Linksys, and in the Linksys an error occurs when I'm trying to give it a static adress. But, the Linksys have ale the time had the IP as set up under Inteno's NAT config with the ports open.

In the Linksys I have set up reservation for my computer under DHCP so the port forwarding from the Linksys will hit the computer where uTorrent is installed.

When downloading a torrent from slackware it started green (incomming connections OK), but after a minute it turned orange. The same happend yesterday...for a minute it was green, then became orange. Also portforward.com say thatr the port is not open. But, now I'm actually downloading the torrent from slackware with a speed around 300 kb/s (didn't get those speeds yesterday).

That's pretty good, isn't it? (a lot more than i'm used to), but can't understand why pportforward say the port is not open and the light is orange in uTorrent...

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