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Tracker problems


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I'm seeding at the moment and have noticed that when tracker goes off line for a while the "Update In : " get wierd numbers like 1937:56 which cause the uTorrent not to update tracker for a long time.I've done it manualy and tracker came back on line and the time went to normal numbers ( Minutes/Seconds ).This will happened during normal downloading too.I'm not sure if tracker gets realy off line,maybe is possible that uTorrent get some hickups sometimes and cause all that.One more thing when this happenes I can't visit the tracker web site,must fix the uTorrent's "Udate In:"first.

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The reason for both the offline-message and the inability to access the web site is the same: The tracker is simply offline. And I think µTorrent increases the time before next update a bit every time it receives an offline-like error message.

I didn't know that the update interval could get insane like that though. :/ I guess an upper "time before next announce" limit is needed.

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The reason for both the offline-message and the inability to access the web site is the same: The tracker is simply offline. And I think µTorrent increases the time before next update a bit every time it receives an offline-like error message.

I didn't know that the update interval could get insane like that though. :/ I guess an upper "time before next announce" limit is needed.

Tracker offline should not prevent you to visit web site.I'm layman but tracker and web site are on different servers !?

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