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error message please help


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hi I've been getting this message everytime I start a download I've been getting this message which says

Torrent Error The filename, directory name or volumne label syntax is incorrect

It's only started today so please help I've tried the troubleshooting pages etc no good

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[2009-05-11 15:42:01] Error opening ":\Users\Hughes Family\Music\Eminem-Relapse-2009\05-Bagpipes From Baghdad.mp3":

I'm saving to users the music file on the documents usual place I save to it was all working fine last friday then all of a sudden stopped today, tried uninstalling and reinstalling, doesn't work compared settings with daughters comp as we both run vista. Seems all the same. The above is a report from the utorrent. I did download that google chrome that day afterwards as well I've since uninstalled.

Just annoying because I have to download on my daughters comp then transfer just need to know how to fix it tried looking in FAQ etc can't seem to find my problem

All help would be appreciated.

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I've removed torrents of the download list and then tried redownloading it doesn't seem to work no matter what I'm downloading music wise could you poss explain a bit more

not that great on a comp especially with vista, also same stuff downloads on the other comp?

Sorry just had a look see what you mean I've added the C before it and double checked where it was sending them to and it now seems to be working fingers crossed all being well thanks for your help now to see why it's downloading slow now grrrrr.

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