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utorrent connect to tracker crash


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The Problem: utorrent won't properly exit ( still trying to connect to tracker I think)

The catch: taskmanger as well a any other process management programs are unable to term the process unless I disconnect from the INTERNET by pulling the cord out of nic ( hard hack ftw)

The fix: add hard coded timeout that will kill the process if it fails to connect after a attempt by the user to start/close the program

affected versions 1.9 alpha 1.8

non affected versions good old 1.7

debugging done toggling graceful shutdown .. no effect

changing disk cache settings no effect

reinstalling program no effect

netstat shows the process still having a open port to the tracker

work around : stop all torrents before exiting

No av or firewall programs are installed windows defender and firewall are off

edit forgot the important info

OS windows 7 rc2 build 7201 ( the one thats probly gonna be the RTM)

cpu AMD x2 5000+ 2gb ram

the issue occurs under vista but the taskman is able to kill the process no problem

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