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About partfiles (again)


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This has been brought quite a few times, but I think I've come up with an idea that will satisfy everybody. Why not making the partfiles "hidden" by default (or at least add an option)?


-people will stop complaining about partfiles in there dl dirs

-the partfile is still there, µTorrent doesn't care if it's hidden or not

-easy to implement (I suppose)

-µTorrent continues to play by the rules and upload everything that it has downloaded (unlike BC)

I hope this idea helps in some way :)


Pardon the blunt end of my idiot stick, but what kind of moron complains about a file that saves... well, all sorts of misery?? The part file keeps µTorrent from having to create partial files (that you requested not to download) to place the remaining piece in.

It would be much more of an inconvenience to have do-not-download files partially downloaded in the torrent folder. What's so intrusive about a part file?

Someone (that is, the next/first person to complain about a part file) needs to be whacked with my idiot stick. :P


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