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How to configure my particular Mac setup


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I tried searching for any similar posts but could not find anything. Perhaps I am not using the right search terms!!

In a way this is quite generic. I have a Mac with the following setup -

ISP (ADSL) -> DLink DSL-2640T (PPPoE) -> Apple Time Capsule -> iMac

Question is how do I setup the Dlink router and the Time Capsule. Whenever, I run uTorrent, I get a "red" dot reminding me that there is a problem with the connection.

The reason why I have the DLink router is that the Time Capsule does not have an ADSL port.

For the DLink, I have configure Advance->Virtual Server with User->Torrent. The configuration for the Torrent is Port nnnnn for both TCP & UDP for Port Start & End and Map Start & Map End. The Firewall DoS and Port Scan are enabled on the DLink and Filtering for Ping, Telnet, FTP, RIP and DHCP are enabled.

In uTorrent, I have Network configuration -> Incoming TCP Port set at nnnnn (where nnnnn is the same as for the DLink).

For the Time Capsule, with Airport Utility, I have set Public UDP & TCP and Private TCP & UDP ports as nnnnn (again same port as above). NAT Port Mapping is enabled.

Even when my iMac Firewall allows all Incoming Connections, I always only ever get a "red" dot!!!

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.


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