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Moving completed (but still seeding) torrents


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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, I thought i had it, but after stopping the torrent, moving the files and then starting the torrent again,it says "checking" then starts downloading all over again, which, of course was not my intent, and being that it is a completed file don't really understand why or how this is happening.



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If you follow DWK's steps above, you cannot go wrong. It sounds like you did not do step 3, setting the download location. Right-click the stopped file from within utorrent (after you have moved the already-downloaded torrent to its new directory). Select advanced>Set download location..., then point to that new directory. When you then start the torrent up again, utorrent will check its status. If it is a large file, it takes a while, and it may look at first like the file is being downloaded again, as the percentage increments. It is not - it is simply being scanned so utorrent can verify it is complete. If it is NOT complete - that is, if you moved a partially-downloaded torrent to a new location - this scanning process tells utorrent which pieces of the torrent remain to be acquired.

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