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Need HELP!

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Hi guys, sorry if I have posted this in the wrong area or if I've missed a thread talking about this already (ran search, got half the forum back but no results :( )

Anyway, let me paint the picture for you, I share my internet with my brother and we access it through a wireless router. He is constantly using all of our download limit on illegal downloads from utorrent and as a result I struggle to download even the smallest files (like .pdf's) to use for my uni homework.

I want to block him from being able to access utorrent but still allow him access to the net so he doesn't b*tch too much.

I do not have access to his computer, so is there a way I can do it through the router settings??

It's a 2701HGV-W Gateway from Telstra in Australia. It runs Software.

PLEASE NOTE: I am an absolute NOOB when it comes to this stuff so if any of you have a solution for me could I please ask for a detailed and VERY straight forward step by step method to gain the desired outcome. :) Thanks!!!

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