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low download


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I have a little problem with utorrent.. Im getting very low download almost all the time (upload is ok). Im downloading file seed 5000+ peers 33000+. I left laptop work for the night. In the morning I checked it and... downloaded 1000+mb uploaded 8000mb... Its funny... I cant get better download than 10-20kb/sek with this radio.


- Windows XP sp3 (OS live time - 2 days)

- router linksys wrt54gc-eu v3 and unlocked UPnP/port

- changed limit connections in xpantyspy to 200

- firewall eset (unlocked utorrent/port)

- Port is open and accepting connections

- max download speed 2mbit upload 500kbps

and in the night 4mbit upload/download

I dont know what can I do... :) I download files from firefox with max speed.


I think it's only natural for torrents with such a low seed to peers ratio to download slowly. I'm currently download a torrent with roughly 400 seeds and 6000 peers. On average I get about 50kB/s down, far within my bandwidth.

Best way to determine if the problem is with your system or with the torrent is to try downloading other torrents. OpenOffice is a good test torrent as it will have plenty of seeders. It should max out your bandwidth if everything is correct.


I read guide and it didnt help.

I tested openoffice torrent for windows v3.1.1 (seed 12 peer 9). I got only ~15kb/sek... Once I got 40+ kb/sek but after few seconds it was again 15.

I cant find any solution. Im using utorrent few years but I changed internet one week ago. Now Im using ethernet linksys wrt54gc-eu one week too. Internet has 100% port open and linksys too. Maybe thay cant open too may connections or sth.

I hope you understand me;)


I tried another language verision of openoffice. Download speed 179kb/sek so propably everything is ok. The topic can be close;)

Thx for help.


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