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utorrent downloads won't start, seeding works fine


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Hi there,

I've had utorrent up and running until I received te error: 'access denied' on every download I started... no matter what trackers/peers...

Speed wasn't always great, probably caused by an orange triangle in the statusbar. This was caused by numerous completed downloads that weren't seedable (turned red). Now i've activated them and seeding runs perfectly.

I still got the access denied messsage, I also downloaded version 1.8.5., checked windows firewall: OK but from that point on downloads won't start at all... (enough seeds and peers). It is not a tracker problem, trackers are available...

Is there something I forgot; it worked fine... now I struggling a few days to get it up and running again...


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Location of downloaded files has always been the same and the same security properties...

As I described, the downloads have stopped after I installed version 1.8.5. of utorrent...

I have been checking my anti virusprogram and I deleted the not-working downloads... eversince the orange triangle has turned into a constant checked green dot. But still no downloads...

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