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simultaneous downloads


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I am a very satisfied user of uTorrent. But since I installed the last version the number of simultaneous downloads is limited to four. Before the upgrade I could download as much as I wanted.

How can I change that? All the options I tried were not succesful. Also installing an older version is no solution.

I couldn't find a solution in one of the existing topics here. If there is is a topic with an answer I did not see, please accept my apologies.

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max number active torrents: 50

max number active downloads: 50

seed ratio is 150 %

Seeding tasks higher priority is out

When µTorrents reaches..... is out


max upload rate is 186

alternate upload rate is out

max download rate is 0

global maximum number of connections is 750

max number of connected peers per torrent is 100

number upload slots per torrent is 8

use additional upload slots is on

As far as I know these were also the settings before the upgrade.

I tried some changes but that didn't help the problem.

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