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utorrent causing disconnects


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Westell 6100.

I recently had to get my modem replaced. It was a Westell 2200, and I experienced no problems like this with it. They're the same brand, so shouldn't this one be able to handle anything the last one could.

I know little about this sort of thing, so forgive my ignorance.

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All right, I turned off DHT, and lowered my number of connections. That seemed to do the trick.

However, I'd still like to set up bridge mode because I'd like to be able to have more than one torrent going at a time, and I won't be able to do that unless lower the connections even further. ( which will cause everything to take forever ) So if anybody knows anything about how to set it up, let me know.

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All right, I just checked and the only thing I could find is in VC configuration, there are a couple things listed and to the left, there's a box by each where you can select enable or disable. Only one of them is enabled, and to the right, under protocol, it says PPoE. The rest are disabled, and say Bridge under protocol.

And at the bottom, it says 'Bridge Broadcast' and 'Bridge Multicast'. Both are checked. Do I already have a bridged connection? I'm confused.

And if I do then why the disconnects?

Edit: Sorry for all the double posts. I am aware of the edit button. I just reply without thinking sometimes.

Also, I was able to finish a 2 GB file last night with the modified settings with having to restart my modem, but just a little earlier, I couldn't even finish a 200 MB file. I tried a power cycle, and less than a minute later, it disconnected.

I really need to do something soon because this is intolerable.

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I'm having the same problem with utorrent 1.4, downgrading to 1.3 solved the problem. I checked the settings, they are exactly the same in both versions.

btw, I'm using a Zyxtel Prestige 660HW-61.

Edit: Thanks 1c3d0g, as I'm clearly not alone I guess something will be done about it.

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This is probably due to the round-robin method used instead of the 50/50 one used previously. A lot of people have reported network disconnects with their flakey modem/router, unfortunately there's not a lot you can do about it. :/ You can add your support in the thread floating somewhere (started by B00, IIRC) asking for both versions to be implemented... :|

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Ok, I understand, I own a shitty router, but: It has been working perfectly for over a year now, first with ABC, then Bitcomet and then UTorrent - until v. 1.3.

Then I went on vacation, came back and updated to 1.4 and suddenly my connection crashed all the time. I would never have suspected UT causing the trouble so I called my provider who sent a technician who chareged me 40 euros for fixing nothing. :(

I'm a programmer myself so I understand that it would be a real mess to support both modes, but I also think that it's just a bug that wasn't found yet, so I'm not shure if "Go get a real router!" is the right suggestion.

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I lowered the connections to 200 like the FAQ recommended, and I also lowered net.max_halfopen and bt.connect_speed. I also turned off UPnP. But I don't know how to update my firmware. I'd apppreciate it if someone could tell me how.

Also, I'd still like to set my modem in bridge mode because even with these current settings, I won't be able to have several torrents going at once. Does anyone know if there's a walkthrough for setting up bridge mode from the Westeel 6100 modem?

By the way, if I set my modem in bridge mode, would I be able to use the TCPIP.SYS patch? I don't know a lot about it, but I do know it allows you to set your connections a lot higher than before? I know that even if my modem's in bridge mode, it'll still be a crappy modem, but I was wondering if it will be able to handle this high a number of connections.

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I'm pretty sure it's a modem with a built-in router, but I'm not perfectly sure. Forwarding my ports did help my DL speeds which were originally stuck at 1 kb/s, so I would think it is. Plus it has a built-in firewall, and without a built-in router, it wouldn't have that, right?

Sorry, I don't know a lot about modems/routers, so it's hard for me to give a straight answer for a lot of things.

And I know TCPIP.sys doesn't have anything with getting disconnected. What I was wondering is ( seeing as it allows more half-open connections ) would it work okay on my crappy modem after I set everything up in bridge mode. I don't mean will it cause disconnects or anything ( bridge mode's supposed to fix that, right? ). I meant will having such a high number of connections mess anything up at all.

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If you have to forward ports, then yes it's a modem/router. You should look through the various configuration pages and look for something like "Bridge mode" "Gateway mode" or anything related to "Routing".

Half-open connections != established connections. It tends to help with timeouts on your PC and other such issues, NOT getting disconnected from the 'net or having the router die.

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