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Best cheap router?


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Using ICS right now because my DSL modem has a crapola internal router and my old Linksys router (ancient) seems to have gone bad sitting. I don't need wireless or a switch.

Looking for one that works well with utorrent (p2p in general) without having to flash it with custom firmware.

Any ideas?

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any router should be fine.

i have a buffalo wireless router that works perfecty.

i also have a linksys RTP 300 Voice Over IP router (came with vonage) that works nicely.

i suggest against getting netgear because (it might be just me) but every router i've gotten from them (including my friends) have died within months.

EXCEPT my 5 year old netgear router... which is weird.. its as big as one of those 30 port routers but only has 4 ports lol. and it is the most reliable peice of hard-ware i have ever had in my life.

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Checking experiences over in the dslreports.com forum would be a good idea, and then looking for free-after-rebate (or close) deals over on fatwallet.com as well.

I'd be surprised if any router made within the last two years (when router processors reached a certain speed threshold) would present a problem.

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Went out today looking for a Linksys (a linux model) and ended up with a Netgear. Think its going back tomorrow tho, I flashed it with the current firmware from their website because one of the patch notes said something about fixed router resetting, well Battlefield 2 server list update freezes it up. Reverted to the original firmware and BF2 updates ok now. I'm testing the p2p stuff now and it appears to be working, but what scares me is having the newer firmware crashing more then the older firmware.

Choices suck at retail stores, very few cheaper models.. This WGR614 v6 (wireless 54g, which I disabled) was $39. A nonwireless router was $59. All I could find were $60-$120 models :-(

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Thats the one I was looking for today, bestbuy had it for $49 on sale but it was the latest revision which has less memory and cannot be flashed with the good custom firmware.

This Netgear seems to be chugging along fine with p2p, done about 1.4gb down and 467mb without any resets. Going to turn off the p2p and give BF2 and a couple other games a go before tomorrow.

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I have had very good luck with the low end D-Link brand routers. I think their current models are not wireless but have a wireless expansion slot (in the form of a PC card slot). I picked one up at CompUSA no rebates for $25 and it's only required one power reset in ~2 years of operation.

Netgear is, IMHO, overpriced. Nothing wrong with their devices, just that you seem to be paying an extra chunk of change for the brand recognition.

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