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Constant (Large) Download Even While Only Seeding


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I just upgraded to uTorrent 2.0 (windows) and I've noticed that I'm only seeding files (all pieces are set to "don't download" to be on the safe side" and even though none of the torrents have a download speed, the total download speed that's written at the bottom (next to the network status icon) is still at a constant 10 kB/s. This may seem insignificant, but it racks up as my network bandwidth monitor has me recorded for 600+ mb download in the past 8 hours (which the only network traffic my computer could have had was the torrents). That seems extremely high for just protocol traffic (especially since it's constant and it's even happening when I have 0 upload speed, i.e. no network traffic at all). I'm not sure what's going on, but does anybody have a solution or has had a similar problem?

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global upload limit: 0

do not alternate upload rate when not downloading

global download rate: 0

global max # of conns: 200

max $ of conn peers / torrent: 50

# of upload slots / torrent: 10

use additional slots if upload speed < 90%

queueing: max active torrents: 8

max active downloads: 5

seed while ratio <= 200

limit upload when seed goal reached: 0

And all my torrents are currently being forced seeded, so none of that should affect them.

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Yes, I have DHT enabled. No, I do not have any RSS feeds set up. How would not having them count towards queueing totals create such a high constant download though? (I don't have ANY other torrents running - just 14 seeding torrents that are all complete.)

I also have local peer discovery enabled, bandwidth management enabled, peer peer exchange enabled, and ask for tracker scrape information enabled. protocol encryption is disabled, but i allow incoming legacy connections.

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That seemed to be the problem - the constant download has dropped from 10 to ~2-3 kB/s now. This seems somewhat reasonable as protocol traffic (if not, please say so). Thanks for the help.

Just out of curiosity, why does forcing a torrent to seed have so much more protocol overhead than letting it regularly seed?

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