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-----2.0x Upgrade Tips - V 2.0----------Draft----------------

Have you upgraded lately from a uTorrent older - 2.0/1.8x - release to the new V 2.0x ?

Is it a new install of uTorrent ?

Cannot reach the speed you used to have ?

Having some memory issues ? CPU load increase ?

Router/Internet are overloaded ?

Try and read this, it might help!

Oh... and if it did help you, please post below - what and how. Thanks :)

If you have a pre-2.01 release installed (1.8.5+), you should be aware that the main things that have changes and might cause some issues now are:

1) Your traffic overhead (being the ack packets in the reverse direction to the actual traffic, or the headers inside them) is now being clearly viewable:

You can see it on the dotted speed-graph lines + the "O:" on the status bar

If your advanced->net.calc_overhead = true , it will also be counted toward your speed limit (added to your payload-data speed).

2) Support for the uTP (UDP based) protocol was added (in V2.0 and up - added out-going connections' support)

Unfortunately - it has larger overhead than before. (hoping this might be fixed in the next release)

3) Files read/writes is differently handled, and your Windows disk cache might be causing some issues (crashes/hangups/slowdown).

4) several default settings' values were modified/added

My mini-guide/suggestions for a 2.0x user would be:

0. If nothing works for you... :

No downloads, no seeding , active torrents are in red, no green net-status, in trackers' tab - none are connecting... check this:

[1] If you have a router - check that your port is still being forwarded and is opened [Control-G->setup guide] and for both TCP + UDP

[2] Check that you have enabled/excluded the new release in your Windows firewall/3rd party firewall (replacing the old rules)

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A. For fixing CPU-load/memory-issues/stability:

[1] In pref.->advanced->Disk Cache Make sure :

1a. ->Disable Windows caching of disk writes/reads - are both checked

1b. ->reduce memory usage when the cache is not needed - is unchecked

[2] Make sure pref.->advanced->gui.transparent_graph_legend is false

[3] Win7 users might experience uTorrent process not closing properly.

This temporary bypass/patch-version may help till a fix is released

1a1z.th.png 1a2.th.png

B. For improving low speed issues:

[1] Make sure your upload speed limit is correctly set as follows:

1a. If you have advanced->net.calc_overhead set to TRUE (recommended) -

set the upload limit to about 80-95% of your connection's maximum upload-speed/cap.

This is required so to accommodate for 1) + 2) above.

You can test your connection speed @ http://speedtest.net or use the options->setup-guide (control-G)

1b. If you have advanced->net.calc_overhead set to FALSE -

set it to the actual seeding-payload speed you like to have.

set the upload limit to 70-80% of your connection's maximum upload-speed/cap.

This is recommended here, but not required, though.

In both cases you can use a different upload speed limit setting at pref->bandwidth->"Alternate upload rate when not downloading"

Test your speed again now (test torrent...) This step should be enough for most users that upgrade!

[2] Settings that might improve (reduce) your overhead:

2a. Set pref->advanced->net.utp_dynamic_packet_size =false

2b. Set pref->advanced->net.utp_initial_packet_size = 8 (use MTU size)

[3] Set pref.->advanced->bt.tcp_rate_control = false

[4] If you want to use your full line speed capacity for download, but your connection upload:download-speeds/cap ratio is bad (lower than 1:10, such as an ADSL 10 Mbits/sec download :and: 800 Kbits/sec upload) you can reduce the use of uTP (and the larger overhead caused by it):

4a. Support only uTP incoming connections by setting pref->advanced->bt.transp_disposition = 29

4b. Alternatively - disable the use of uTP by pref->BitTorrent->Enable Bandwidth Management = unchecked

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C. For improving Internet chocking / router issues:

[1] First, make sure you have set a proper upload speed limit (B.1 above) and that your max # of connections/slots are per the setup-guide

[2] Change setting per B.2a&b above

[3] Set your pref->advanced->bt.connect_speed = 5

[4] Set your pref->advanced->net.max_halfopen = 8


D. For problems downloading the "help file" :

- Get the latest copy from here

- Extract to your settings *.dat files location

- Rename to utorrent-<version-#>-<build-#>.chm

For example - for release 2.0.1 build 19248 - utorrent-201-19248.chm

for release 2.0.2 build 19648 - utorrent-202-19648.chm

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Setting up all the settings for instance based on overhead = True or FALSE causes a dilemma -- If increasing from 70-80% (overhead = false) to 80-95% (overhead = true) crosses a speed threshold on my speed chart, you should almost certainly use the LOWER settings on the chart.

Say for instance you have ADSL with (supposedly!) 384 kilobits/second upload bandwidth...but speed tests only report 360 kilobits/second upload usable/sustained. So it'd probably be best to use 320 kbit/sec upload settings, but increase upload speed if overhead = true.

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Yeah, it's a dilema...

with calc_overhead = true it requires a completely different method, that the uT speed/setup guide is not set-up for.

when it was false, the main issue the setup guide cared about was - proper seeding so to honestly share on the net. So they calculated it to be ~80%, but people could do what they liked. You could have set it to 5K and it will still work for your download.

Now, when it's true, you have to tell uT's setup guide your max DOWNLOAD too. The recommendation should be:

1. ~5% (disposition=TCP ) or ~15% (TCP+uTP ) of the download speed you like to have (say your max connection DL)

2. you desired seeding speed

UL limit = 1 + 2 , and up to say. 90% UL max .

UL limit (when not downloading) = 1

We can suggest it to arvid, but for now it's not possible anyways. So let's stick to the above

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