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Port forwarding for TCP - needed/wanted?


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As I look in my firewall logs I don't see TCP using the port I forward, only UDP. TCP uses a couple ports in the 4000 range, and I saw it as "listening" on 10000. I see that it's recommended to port forward for both TCP & UDP, but I'm wondering why, since TCP doesn't seem to use that port anyway.


Edit: Also want to point out that my down & upload speeds are maxing out as it is without forwarding TCP, so it doesn't appear to provide any speed advantage. What about security though? Other?...

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Admins please correct me if I'm wrong, But as far as I understood, the uTP protocol (which has been implemented in at least some form since 1.8.3) works with UDP only. It would be quite possible that you would max out your connection with only uTP supporting peers. If that TCP port is blocked than anyone else would't be able to connect. eg any other client or those not using uTP. That torrent may work well without, but you will probably come across a torrent that has fewer uTP peers thus requiring a fallback to TCP which you currently can not support. I would recommend that you also forward TCP traffic on that port.

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That makes sense. I only just now (since upgrading to 2.0.3) tried it out this way, so not sure if it was the case with 1.8.5 as well. I also noticed that I can keep my firewall settings in my router at a higher level, whereas in the past I had to drop it to "low" to have the port forwarding actually work. Not sure what changed that, but it's a welcome change.

I'm also fuzzy on whether I should allow a global rule in my Comodo Firewall to allow TCP/UDP over that port? I have it allowed as an application rule for UT, and have no global rule to block it, but wonder if my software firewall may be doing it silently or something. I realize this is more a question for the Comodo forum, and i will post it there too, but figured somebody knowledgeable (and nice :) might be able to help me here in one tidy place.

Thanks again for the help.

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If 10,000 isn't the port you chose, don't bother forwarding for it, it's just a crap feature and unaffected by PF's last I checked. Silent firewall blocking can usually be fixed by removing all uT rules and creating brand new ones. Comodo should be a good firewall.

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