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Error 10060


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I just moved into my new college dorms, so naturally I've started using a new network. the walls of the dorm are too thick for the wireless to transmit, so all internet inside is hard wired. Anyway, I went to do some downloads via Bittorrent, and it didn't work. I did the Bittorrent test, and I received the title error for the band width test, but the network test passes just fine. I can't connect to any servers. I then discovered that I am unable to play any of several MMOs I wanted to play, as they were unable to connect to their servers as well. So I did some research, and I discovered that I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing -_-*. I'm at a total loss as to what to do. The guy down the hall got bittorrent up and running, and he has no idea why mine isn't. I'm fairly certain it's an issue with my computer, but I could be entirely wrong. my firewall is allowing bittorrent, and I used to use it at home. Please help. I'll be happy to provide any other information that could help, I just need to know what.

P.S. If it isn't possible to use bittorrent, is there at least a way I can use peer 2 peer in a limited capacity for gaming?

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In short, your campus internet is blocking everything, and there's nothing we can do about it.

Are you sure? like I said, I even checked, there is a guy a few doors down from me who's using it with no problem, I checked myself. Also, there was an occasion where one seed connected, but with only one seed, the download would've taken an eternity. I don't think that's the issue, but if you're sure.....

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