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FORUM Bug: Change avatar


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Hmm, when I try to upload a new avatar, it shows my old one after I update it. Even if I delete my avatar and it disappears, when I upload my new one, the old one comes back! And upon hitting the Submit button on that Personality page (where the change avatar thing is), I get stuck in an infinite loop of trying to redirect back to where I was while it keeps asking me if I want to re-submit my POST data.

Did I find myself a bug, or am I doing something stupid? lol

UPDATE: I retried in IE, and it worked fine. I was using Firefox - can anyone else confirm this as a bug with Firefox? Also, upon clearing my FF cache, my avatar shows correctly. I had tried a Shift + Refresh before and that didn't update it.


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That may do it as well, I don't know, but a quick Google search for, "shift+f5" firefox, will show you it forces a non-cache refresh. It's the third hit says it without you having to click on the link.

Who knows, it was probably one of my extensions. I have way too many. :P


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