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better speed


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I've forwarded my ports as suggested on portforward.com

I've ZoneAlarm and uTorrent is allowed on firewall protection.

But port forwarding test shows me "ERROR" and it doesnt appear to be open.

I'm using 1.5 version. And this is the snapshot of current operations.

Its showing yellow light for network problems.


I have cable connection. I feel my upload and download speeds are insufficient. It could get way better if i get my network problems solved. This is very disappointing.

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Yellow doesn't necessarily mean network problems. All it means is that no incoming connections are active.. In other words, the connection between you and any peers you're currently connected to was initiated by your client and not theirs.

There may or may not be a problem. If it never turns green then you most likely have a problem with your configuration. If it's sometimes green and sometimes yellow though, then you're probably fine.

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But is there any chace to increase my download and upload speed? Cause i upload stuffs and its very disappointing when upload rate is only around 50kbps and you know your internet speed is more than what its doing. I also havent seen my download rate more than 30kbps.

I've heard people having their sharing speed of far more than 50kbps which ignites fire in my brain.

I've also never seen my ports open. I wonder whats wrong.

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But is there any chace to increase my download and upload speed? Cause i upload stuffs and its very disappointing when upload rate is only around 50kbps and you know your internet speed is more than what its doing. I also havent seen my download rate more than 30kbps.

I've heard people having their sharing speed of far more than 50kbps which ignites fire in my brain.

I've also never seen my ports open. I wonder whats wrong.

As Firon said, if you're behind a router then you need to properly forward your ports and if you're behind a firewall you will need to properly open the ports there as well. If you don't do one/both you will never be able to receive incoming connections.. All connections will have to be established by your client. As I said in my last post, you may still see a yellow light at times though even after forwarding/opening the ports.. It doesn't necessarily mean an error.

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1) if you were told your internet speed is 3 or 5 megs down, that is 3mb or 5mb (little b = bits) down. uTorrent uses MB (big B = bytes) to measure, which is 8 times bigger, so divide your quoted internet speed by 8 to get what it should look like for downloading speeds.

2) if your quoted internet speed is 384kb up (384 mega bits not bytes), then your internet speed is used up with uploading. part of downloading uses upload speed to confirm downloads, and part of uploading uses download speed to confirm uploads. so, you probably need to limit your upload speed to 15 or 20 to get killer download speeds; then switch upload speed back to unlimited to get good upload speeds.

3) uTorrent 1.5 (µTorrent 1.5 Stable 154.44 KB downloaded today March 9, 2006) doesn't get as good speeds as 1.4, so switch back to 1.4. I did. fixed all my problems. go to the download page and download 1.4 under the "Older Releases". (I'm now waiting for 1.6 "stable" before I switch off of 1.4 again.)

4) just as a side note, remember to limit your internet download and upload speeds down to about half full speed when trying to surf the internet or you will think your internet sucks. and if you are using firefox, uninstall the fasterfox extension because it causes more problems than it solves.

my internet is quoted as 5Mb/s down and 384Kb/s up which on uTorrent 1.4 becomes a little more than 500 down with 15 upload limit, OR 40-50 up unlimited with only about 50 to 100 down. on uTorrent 1.5 the speed was only 200M down max, but switched back to 1.4 to continue those torrents and speed jumped back up to 500M down.

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I've already forwarded my ports. But it still says my ports are not open. It seems i might need some direction regarding port forwarding.

Kazuaki Shimazaki, believe me its not good speed. Specially when you're uploading torrents in GBs. It takes days and days to fully upload files which sucks big time.

Firon, i wonder how did you manage to get your speed so high. What possible settings can get me upto that speed? Do you think my ISP must be playing part in this?

My internet speed shows.

Communications: 3.2 megabits per second

Storage: 393.8 kilobytes per second

1MB file download: 2.6 seconds

Subjective rating: Awesome

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Kazuaki Shimazaki, believe me its not good speed. Specially when you're uploading torrents in GBs. It takes days and days to fully upload files which sucks big time.

I routinely work with torrents measured in GB. Much as we would like the torrents to be able to fully utilize our capacity, the truth is that we should count ourselves lucky if it uses 70-80% of our UL bandwidth and even ten percent of our DL bandwidth.

I've struggled with weak torrents for weeks trying to download them, alternating clients, fiddling with settings in vain hopes ... I just finished downloading one (not so big, only 1.7GB) at an average of 11.2KB/s, and it is 11.2KB/s only becuase occasionally one nice BC client with hundreds of KB/s of upload bandwidth comes along ... otherwise it basically stutters along and I'm happy when it gets to 5KB/s. Azureus and Mainline (the seeds) don't wanna talk to me...

This is torrent reality, unless you stick to very high quality torrents AND are very lucky.

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here is what I learned.

set your upload speed to 35KB.

I have cable at home too, I found if your upload speed take the 90% of your upload bandwidth, your download speed will be dropped.

of course, you don't want to be a leech! you got the file because peopel sare it so you want to share to others too. therefore, 35KB is the best upload speed in my test. it won't effect your download speed if you set the limit to 90% of your total upload speed.

if you are the only compuer at home. you can try this software to automatically adjust the bandwidth to give you best upload and download speed.


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