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Torrents that won't go away


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All of a sudden, the problem has reappeared.

A while back I downloaded some torrents, left them to seed, and when the demand fell off, deleted the torrent files and the data files, using the "Delete torrent and data" command. Almost instantly, the torrent files reappeared and began to download the data anew. Repeated the delete procedure, and within a minute, two of the files reappeared and began downloading anew. Deleted them again. Then an hour later I noticed the third had reappeared!

I have deleted any references to these files from anywhere on my disks, including the "torrents active,

torrents done", etc. Doublechecked all the disks, even rebooted Windows (the Universal Antidote), all to no avail.

These torrents start up anytime from immediately to after a couple of hours.

Can anyone help point me to where this is caused and how to put a stake through their hearts permanently?


-- Doc

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Thanks for your reply -

Please define "autoloading"? Yes, when I download a torrent, it starts automatically.

I submit that if I have deleted a torrent file, and there is no evidence of that file anywhere on my hard drives (torrent file and the associated data), it shouldn't arise from the dead. From where would it arise?

Thanks again for the reply-

-- Doc

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Well, I can't figure out how to post a screenshot here. But the information on that page is as follows:

(Version 2.2 Build 237303)

Location of new download files (Box is checked)

G:\Torrents Inbound

Move completed downloads to: (Both boxes are checked)


("Only move from the default directory" is NOT checked)

Location of .torrents

Store .Torrents in: (Is checked)

F:\torrent files\torrents active

Move .torrents for finished jobs to: (Is Checked)

F:\torrent files\torrents done

Automatically load torrents from : (Is checked) Delete loaded.torrents is NOT checked

G:\torrents inbound

Oh by the way, I have checked all these folders as well as have done a scan of all drives and find no

files with names anywher approaching those of the offending returning torrents.

Thanks for your help. And OBTW, if there is a help file on how to post a screenshot, please point me to it.


-- Doc

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Save a copy of the screen.

Edit it using Paint and blank out anything that would identify the torrents, the file names or the IP addresses of the seeds or peers.

Upload it to Imageshack

Post a link to the Imageshack file here.

You don't have to register to use Imageshack, but if you do it saves your files from deletion after a period of time.

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