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Availability when uploading


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When I finish downloading and start seeding the number in the Seeds column goes to zero.

How do I know how many seeds there are apart from me?

To give a specific example:

Seeds 0(1), Peers 6(8), availability 1.901.

Is the (1) me or is there another seed somewhere?

The ratio on this torrent is creeping up (I aim for 1.5). If I drop out will the availability go to 0.901 leaving the peers chasing an incomplete download?


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Thanks. What about this one:

Seeds 0(0), Peers 0(0), availability 1.000.

I'm seeding but is the number zero because no-one is taking anything?

Also can someone advise me on my question about availability? DreadWingKnight's reply suggests that if the availability is less than two and there is only one seed then dropping out would leave the peers stranded.


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Also can someone advise me on my question about availability? DreadWingKnight's reply suggests that if the availability is less than two and there is only one seed then dropping out would leave the peers stranded.


Load the torrent a second time using a different program. It won't let you seed to yourself, so if it reports an availability of less than one you really should stay in.


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  • 4 weeks later...

But I said nothing about downloading. The question earlier in the thread was how to find out the availability if the number of seeds was one and you were the seed. To give an example:

Seeds 0(1)

Peers 2(3)

Availability 1.703

It isn't my torrent, but I'm seeding it. Is it the case that without me the availability would be 0.703?


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Is it the case that without me the availability would be 0.703?


WIthout any seeder (like you) the 2 peers have in total 70.3% and will not be able to finish the torrent.

Perhaps if another peer comes up, the % can increase, can also reach 100% (if the upcomming peer has the missing 29.7% too).

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Thanks. That makes sense.

Another if I may:

Looking at one torrent the seeds are 0(2) and the availability is 1.692.

If there are two seeds how can the availability be less than two?

The peers are given as 3(7) on the main screen, but on the General screen it says 3 of 9 connected, not 3 of 7, and 4 in swarm. For seeds there are 0 of 0 connected and 2 in swarm.

Another has 0(24) on the main screen but 0 of 2 connected on the General screen.

Which screen do I believe? The only time they seem to agree with each other is when I'm downloading.


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Looking at one torrent the seeds are 0(2) and the availability is 1.692.

If there are two seeds how can the availability be less than two?

Please see my post:

Is the (1) me or is there another seed somewhere?

It's you.

Availability is calculated based on the number of complete copies of the torrent seen among connected peers, including yourself.

In short, you aren't connected to them so they aren't factored in.

While you're seeding, you will NEVER be connected to another seed.



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