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Losing Peers


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last night uTorrent started malfunctioning. My download speeds are normal but I have no upload speeds. I'm using a BT HomeHub router and I forwarded my uTorrent port but when I test it on uTorrent I get an error and when I scan it on an external site, it says that all ports on my computer are closed. According to uTorrent, my network is ok as signified by the green symbol at the bottom right of the screen.

I have noticed I am connecting to peers but as soon as the upload speed starts to pick up, they disconnect to zero and then go through that cycle ad nausem.

I have been searching Google for a solution for a couple of hours but I have yet to find one. Can anyone here help me?

EDIT: The port is now open in both uTorrent and the external scanner yet the loss of peers is still continuing.

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Yeah, I've looked at that and at previous posts communicating a similar problem, but still nothing. It is doing it on my brother's computer too so would that mean the router? I have reset the router and opened the ports I need, tried turning off the router's in-built firewall and I did the test suggested on here to see if my ISP is throttling it but they are not.

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