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DHT:Waiting to Login


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Hi @dmins, long time before am using uT but now a days am getting message DHT waiting to login :(. Am using Windows 7 and i don't have have any antivirus programs. I saw some topics about to download open office p2p but I don't know too much about it. I try to download unfortunately bad luck to me its also didn't downloading. Anybody can solve this problem? Am living in Kuwait. [sorry for my English]

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Might as well ask on the internet forums (or better yet, the wall)... They aren't any help around here, just look up on other posts of this. I've done EVERYTHING in the other posts on this. NOTHING works... I've had this problem for 4 day now.. Everything worked great then, BLAH! My desktop runs it fine.. But, I'll keep looking and post if I find anything, other than here....

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