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new bittorent client (tribler).. interesting


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that map is just a different way they've decided to display all the sourceforge mirrors.. uTorrent isn't open source and thus isn't on SF, but hey, if they end up getting enough mirrors i suppose it's possible.

edit: sorry i misread that, didn't realise you meant the map in the program. looks like a very interesting product, though.

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Using our software increases your tracability. Every Tribler software installation has a unique identifier based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography, which helps the software to keep track of friend and foo. In the past, we have conducted the largest crawl of the Bittorrent P2P system. We will also be crawling the Tribler network in order to detect any inefficiencies and shortcomings in our P2P software. However, this will also show us how the software is used, including the occurence of illegal activities.


The map looks cool, but wouldn't it use quite a lot of space(and increase the bandwith that uT uses?)

It shouldn't increase the bandwidth, as even now µTorrent can resolve the country flag of an IP without much extra cost. It will encrease the overall bloat though, I saw the install .exe is over 5MB...

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