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Can I change resume.dat and reload in uT


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Hello. Can I change resume.dat and reload in uT?

For example, I changing resume.dat with BEncode Editor and then saving it. After this uTorrent reloading resume.dat from hdd.

If I change resume.dat and save it, uTorrent change it from another place (I think, from RAM) after a while.

Sorry for my bad english.

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Yes, this seems rather strange. But I still don't understand the problem. Is he saying he want's to write a script that would allow him to automate upload of Torrent (*.torrent) files he specifies and then deletes them from uTorrent as soon as they are uploaded, while at the same time, he has uTorrent up and running and downloading for him?

What is he, a big time uploader? How many torrents is he planing on uploading? I don't know, but it would seem lame if he only wants to upload few tens of torrents. It's not too hard to open up uTorrent and just delete them.

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