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Can't download 2 torrents in a row.


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If one has 'show dialog on manual add' and one downloads a torrent from a webpage, and it goes to utorrent and it flashes, and you ignore it, and you download another torrent from the same page, and then go to utorrent with the idea that you'll approve both.

utorrent will inform you that it can't do diddly, and you have to re-download them. This occurs when you allow the dialog to stack up.

That said, 'show dialogy on manual add' should be OFF.. I defined a download folder location long ago and couldn't figure out why in 1.5 it makes me do a dialog every time. Thought it was the 'show dialog' on the general tab, but it's actually not. It's the one in 'folders'. This is confusing, and should probably be cleared up, so I guess bug report #2.

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Eh? I've had like 40 dialogs popped up at once, hasn't made a difference.

And the additional option to make it show the dialog even with a default download folder was added because a lot of people requested it, just turn it off. It's not confusing.

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