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Another "blue screen of death" error for Windows 7 x86...


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I am experiencing very similar problems to others from what I can tell except for the fact that I don't have McAfee, Norton or Zone Alarm... I also tried updating all of my drivers already, including RealTek PCIe GBE Family Controller, and still get the fatal crash.

I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit and connected via Ethernet cable. I am still testing my "blue screen of death" error cause but so far uTorrent is at the top of my list unfortunately. I am playing the waiting game without it running; as soon as I do run it -- BSOD within 10 minutes (with torrent traffic).

Microsoft's problem signature shows a "BCCode: d1" message upon re-start.

Blue Screen View highlights NETIO.SYS and ntoskrnl.exe when reading the memory dumps for IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL.

Anyone else still experiencing this issue with uTorrent/Windows 7 and do NOT have an anti-virus program on their system?

Let me know if I should post any screen shots or try seeking help on one of the 7 forums... those just seem to deviate too far from the pattern I've already started to notice with uTorrent.

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