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Hello all! I recently updated to the new beta build of uTorrent for my Ubuntu 12.04 machine. Everything was working fine. I installed another web app that needed tomcat and now I can't reach the uTorrent gui through the web page. Any suggestions on how to fix this? I would like to keep it on port 8080 so I can get to it from networks that block uncommon ports. Right now I get this error from tomcat when I try to go to localhost:8080/gui

HTTP Status 404 - /gui

type Status report

message /gui

description The requested resource (/gui) is not available.

any help would be much appreciated.

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I went in and wrote a utserver.conf file that only has

ut_webui_port: 8081

. I start utserver from the command line, but when I go to localhost:8081/gui I get nothing. Any chance someone can help me figure this out?

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