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my pc freezes completely, no internet


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I didn't use utorrent in a month time, but then it worked perfectly. Last week I wanted to download something and when I opened my utorrent I had difficulties to give the path where I should my file download.Waiting minutes I could realize it, but it was nervwrecking. Then I wanted to work with my Pc but it was completely freezing down. You could only do some clicks with many patience. I could open my Firefox but then I didn't have Internet and the browser only was trying to get the pages but it failed.

I opened my email program too and couldn't send emails. And of top of that I can't shut down my Pc in a normal way, only with reset. When I don't open utorrent my Pc works fine. I have utorrent 3.1.3. I wanted to download a newer version 3.2, but when I download it then it said, this is not an windwos application and I couldn't install it.Could you please help me?

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I downloaded the new version 4.2 with IE now and it was successfull. It freezes Win7 not as much the previous version but when I want to open my FF it can't load the sites and my email client is also not working. But I have trillian and I can chat..This is so ridiculous...I have internet connection but it blocks my browser and who knows which programs too.

Any ideas what can I do?

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