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Torrent won't seed.


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I left uTorrent on over night in attempt to seed a new torrent I created.

According to uTorrent- I have about 45 peers, I apparently cannot connect to any of them.

uTorrent says I've uploaded 240KB - I never saw it, and that's a joke anyhow. I can upload about 1MB/sec

My settings seem to be in order, and I let uTorrent choose the settings through "Run Tests" itself.

I've port forwarded and allowed uTorrent through my firewall also. It -shouldn't- be anything to do with that.

Why can't I connect to any of my peers? I've seen uTorrent upload more data when I'm leeching other torrents. Vastly so.

Additionally it says 1 seed is in the swarm - That HAS to be me. Could this cause a problem? The peers are NOT in the swarm. I don't truly know what this means.

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1> You're on a known-hostile internet provider

2> Does the port test in the setup guide pass?

3> Are the other downloaders also reachable?

1) Don't believe so. Comcast.

2) Yes

3) No. Though uTorrent just self-updated the tracker, now it says there's 4 peers, not 45.

Although it passes the setup guide without problems.. Sometimes the server that it default to test on doesn't work, when I pick a different one it works, though.

Also, the site where my torrent is hosted doesn't seem to be tracking my torrent properly.. It says there's 0 seeds (Should be 1, Me) and 0 peers- according to the torrent though.. there's... 2 now. Lol.

Another note.. Sometimes uTorrent shows the status as green (Good network config) and sometimes yellow, but never red.

Alas, now it says I have but one peer that's not in the swarm.

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1) Don't believe so. Comcast.

It wasn't a question. It was a statement.

3) No. Though uTorrent just self-updated the tracker, now it says there's 4 peers, not 45.

Are you using a tracker behind the same router as you're seeding from?

Did you private flag the torrent?

I didn't realize that comcast was considered hostile. Lol.

I guess I don't understand what you're asking, so I have no way to answer.

I don't fully understand how torrents work. I have a very general idea, I don't know anything about the trackers or how they work, to be honest. All i know is i created the torrent and uploaded it on a torrent site.

I thought that a tracker was a server that the torrents connected to, to display information such as seeds/peers and various file/torrent information, as well as connecting peers/seeds to each other.

Other than simply following uTorrents "Create a Torrent", and hosting the torrent file on a site such as TPB, is there anything else i have to do to make this work properly? I had thought that was it.

The torrent was not flagged private.

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If you are running the tracker on your computer AND it's behind the same router you're seeding from, the only real way to get peers is through DHT.

Using a tracker hosted at an external location (with permission) would solve that part of the issue.

Making sure of the following will likely solve the problem:

1> DHT is allowed by the torrent (make sure to NOT check the private checkbox, and when it's loaded in uT, make sure DHT doesn't say "Not Allowed" on the trackers tab)

2> All peers have DHT enabled

3> More than just you has their port open

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I've just found that Local Peer Discovery and DHT are the only things with peers.. DHT is on, but for some reason It doesn't say I'm seeding in that tracker. Is the problem just on other people's end? It does say that I'm seeding on a couple other trackers.

Should I be trying to find a list of public trackers to use for it or something?

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Is the problem just on other people's end?

Probably. Make sure they at least have DHT turned on.

Should I be trying to find a list of public trackers to use for it or something?
No. Adding more trackers won't magically help you find peers that DHT would find for you anyway.


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I'm not doing it for anyone i know, so I'd have a hard time ensuring DHT is on on their torrent client.

Thanks for the insight about trackers. I was afraid that may have been the case when I was reading up about it, but i was getting mixed results. Makes sense though.

So then I should wait for more peers and whatnot I'm guessing, Maybe have someone I know try and download it to ensure it works properly, right?

Edit: Do you think I'd need to keep my TPB Tracker on my list? It doesn't work (I don't know why it was still added anyway..) - I just wanted to make sure that it wasn't what was updating TPB's list on seeds/peers.

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Ah, Awesome. Thanks.

I tested my torrent in-network, I was amazed with the speed I got, but I guess that's the way it works with 0 latency. I'm technically not even 100% sure that uTorrent didn't just utilize the network for the transfer, but I'm not positive.

At any rate, It definitely did work... So I'm guessing it's other people's connection, If any are even connected to me. I'm not sure. the seed/leech tracking seems really slow, and inaccurate, for some reason.

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