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Utorrent 3.0 not auto downloading certain shows


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The issue I am having is if the torrent file isn't labeled like this:


The torrent will not download automatically. For example:

Justified.S03E03.Proper.720p.x264 or The.Daily.Show.2013.1.29.Melissa.McCarthy.720p.x264

It seems if the groups name is before 720p or the format is in "Date" format. It will not automatically download.

I have refined my RSS Feed to just show 720p versions and had the RSS Downloader try to grab "All" but those formats still do not automatically download.

Is there a fix for this?

Edit: I have this working for 90% of what I want to download and watch, however, there are a few shows that are not in the "correct" format. ie: tvshow.SxxExx.720p

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