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File selection window


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Hi everyone.

Came up with one question. When you start the new torrent there's a window appear where you can select files for downloading. Simple enough. However, I can't find how can I access that window again, once torrent started to download. Why do I need this? Well, sometimes I change my mind a decide not to downloading the whole torrent, but the only part I need for now (e.g. 10 episods out of 20 from a TV show).

Bitspirit has such function - I can access selection window at any time, even when it's in the proccess. Of course changing quantity of desired files for download can be made only if torrent stopped.

But, anyway. Can I do the same in Utorrent?

Thanks in advance for help.

Kind regards

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Use the files tab.

Well, thanks, but not sure I got it clear enough. What is the files tab? Is this the bottom menu with tabs?

If so, I can't understand how it could help me with files selection/deselection.

Some additional information would be much appreciated

Kind regards

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If you can't understand how the files tab would help you with file selection, you haven't consulted the user guide.

You can select files there and choose to not download them or to download ones you previously had not selected.

Look, the problem is I can skip downloading specific files in the torrent, but can't resume downloading for them later. I thought that after clicking don't download, this will change to 'download', but it didn't. So, some files aren't downloaded with the status skip, and have no idea how to start downloading them again.

Here's a screenshot:


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