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Not connectable...?


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Im a newbie in using utorrent, but i know green light indicates good connection, sad to say i have red light and it advice me to open up my port so that others can connect... The problem is i don't know how to open my port...

My pc is connected to the other pc using crossover and firewall is not activated but why i have this red light...

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If your computer does not have a direct connection to the internet...and instead has to connect through another computer (or router) to get to the ADSL/Cable modem, then you need to set up the other computer or router to forward ALL traffic on whatever port µTorrent is using to the computer µTorrent is on.

Otherwise, you're 100% firewalled, 100% of the time. And since roughly 70% of any BT clients connecting to a torrent are firewalled, you will only be able to download and upload to the remaining 30%! ...so you will get roughly 1/2 the download speed of someone who isn't firewalled.

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yes its ICS, see my server is XP sp2 and the client is XP sp1 (where the utorrent is installed), I disabled the win firewall in server coz I can't share with my internet so now its inacvite.

In utorrent if you click that red light that suppose to be green the network wizard will appear and if i click the (test if the port is forwarded properly) well its Error! Port 14473 does not appear to be open.

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  • 7 months later...

HI, I have the same problem ... 2 crossover linked PC's, on one of them (which receives Internet from provider) the uTorrent is working fine, conectable etc. on the other (linked only with crossover cable) the utorrent is working only by download, the upload is not working - not connectable (internet/lan is working fine). The firewall is disabled on both PC's (ZoneAlarm uninstalled). How can utorrent receive outside connection on the second pc ? is there a software which can automatically configure and solve this issue ? please help me with this very important problem ...

Anyone who has the same configuration as above working please be so kind and help me with the utorrent - lan - firewall full configuration.

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