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DHT broken?


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Yes, I've got the UDP port forwarded in my firewall (I've also tried with no firewall), I've removed dht.dat and dht.dat.old, I've tried downloading more popular torrents, I've upgraded my firewall to the latest code, and I've tried changing my port in case my ISP is filtering -- all to no avail.

Everything was working fine until last week or so; uT 1.5 would show 100-200 DHT nodes in the status bar and all of my torrents would pick up 80% of their peers via DHT. Then one day, I was getting 0/1 nodes in the status bar and all of my torrents ground to a halt. I've upgraded to uT 1.6 (two builds now) and nothing's changed -- all dead. I ran a packet capture and I see uT sending a DHT ping to utorrent.com:6881 every few minutes with no response; is this the problem? I also see lots of inbound TCP connections from peers (on torrents with trackers), but once the connection is established 99% of them never send any data and my uT closes them after 30 secs. What's going on here?

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Yes, I added the top beta a couple days ago. It sat there for over a day, fully downloaded, and my status bar still said "DHT: 0 nodes (Login)". I removed it because it didn't help. I just added the two 1.6 torrents at that URL, but there's only 5 peers (and no seeds) across the two of them, so I don't think that'll help either.

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Okay, I stopped all the active torrents, rebooted my firewall (Linksys WRT56G v5), and restarted uT and it jumped to 33 DHT nodes within a few seconds. After an hour of downloading, it dropped back down to 0 DHT nodes. Looks like even the Linksys 1.00.9 firmware isn't enough and I'll have to switch to one of the open source WRT packages (if I can find one that works on the v5).

Also, utorrent.com:6881 wasn't responding the other day, even without the Linksys in the picture; it is now (with or without the Linksys).

Problem (mostly) solved.

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