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Slow Hash Check


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Hi folks, I was wondering if anyone could help me.

I have been using utorrent for ages and I've never had any problems before with it, but the past few days, utorrent seems to just switch itself off (usually when i've got media player on and utorrent in the background), now that problem I can livwith lol.

when i load utorrent up again, it takes forever to do a hash check, it never used to take as long, I've recently defragged my hard drive and I looked through the forums and saw a thing about checking the dma settings on my drive, but they're set to dma and not ipo (think it's ipo, i'm not sure), anyways, does anyone know if there would be any other reason for this to happen?

thanks in advance.

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i'm not running anything else in the background, the only problem acessing the hard drive is that it's a little slow during a hash check, but I know that's normal, the drive setting in the ide channel is set to DMA, I thought it might have been something to do with the windows page file, so i changed that setting and made the virual memory bigger but it made no difference :(

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