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First Release: BTT Speed API Wrapper for Python [v0.1]


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Hey guys, I just released the first API wrapper to interact with BTT Speed with Python. Please feel free to contribute. Let's continue the open source spirit of the founding fathers of uTorrent by building on top of the existing shitty platform.  The `refreshBalance` and `getWalletTransactions` should be extra helpful for those having issues with balances and stuck BTT.

GitHub: https://github.com/BTTBoost/BTTSpeed-API

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2 hours ago, SergeyQA said:

Which tool did you use for endpoints discovery?

Not a tool, rather the code that you guys pushed out to us on May 12th in the webui.zip file. All the endpoints are there in plain sight in the bundled vuejs file. I'll be sending an email to Pavel soon regarding some security concerns about this, among other things.

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