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Upload Speeds Not Where I'd Like


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My uploads speeds never go past 50kbps and I'd like to help out more than that. I mean, I have downloaded from one person at 50 -100kbps before and I wonder why I can't do the same for other people?

My Global maximum upload rate is set at 60kbps but like I've said it never goes past 50. Acutally I've never seen it go past 48.

My Global maximum number of connections is set at 235.

My maximum number of peers connected per torrent is 85.

My number of upload slots per torrent is 10.

I'm using Comcast Cable.

Thanks in advance!


Press CTRL+G read the instructions, choose the right value in the drop down menue and then you are fine.

If you already have done that and the values you listed here are those recommended according to your maximum possible UP(!) loadspeed and you don't get more then 50kbps(!??) then nothing you can do.


I have done that test before but I just did it again. My results were as follows:

Download: 6094kbps / 761.8KB/s

Upload: 356kbps / 44.5KB/s

I probably just answered my own question? lol


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