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Non-UPnP Router

Hard Nut

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Hello All,

I am new both to BitTorrent in general and to uTorrent in particular. (and to this forum :) )

I would like to ask for some assistance.

I have a non-UPnP router, and a home network, connected to that router.

Therfore, I need to Open a specific Port in the Router, and to Forward that Port to the specific computer that is running uTorrent.

Can you please assit me in doing that?

Do I need just one (1) Port ?

Which Port number do you recommend ?

Do I need Just TCP or also the UDP protocol ?

What happens if I use uTorrent without opening a port ?

What should I adjust un the uTorrent Configuration Settings ?

Many thanks for your help.

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Do I need just one (1) Port ? 

yep, just one port is all you need. all the newer clients use one port.

Which Port number do you recommend ?

anything higher than the standard bt ports. I normally go for ^40000.

Do I need Just TCP or also the UDP protocol ?

TCP for now, but in the very near future UDP/DHT will be implemted (cant wait to retire my old bt clients ;) )

What happens if I use uTorrent without opening a port ?

You will be basically making yourself a slow leecher unless you connect to all seeds. with bt, generally the faster you can ul the faster you can dl.

What should I adjust un the uTorrent Configuration Settings ?

That depends on your rig setup, there are several threads on this in the forum. use the search function, use settings as a keyword :)

Hope this helps.

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Hello All,

I am new both to BitTorrent in general and to uTorrent in particular. (and to this forum :) )

I would like to ask for some assistance.

I have a non-UPnP router, and a home network, connected to that router.

Therfore, I need to Open a specific Port in the Router, and to Forward that Port to the specific computer that is running uTorrent.

Can you please assit me in doing that?

Do I need just one (1) Port ?

Which Port number do you recommend ?

Do I need Just TCP or also the UDP protocol ?

What happens if I use uTorrent without opening a port ?

What should I adjust un the uTorrent Configuration Settings ?

Many thanks for your help.

1.Yes you only need one port.

2.Anything above 50000 6881-6889 is not reccomended.

3.As of now just TCP.

4.uTorrent will go much slower if you dont open the port.

Set your upload bandwith to 80% of your upload.

EDIT: Dammit he was too fast.

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By the way, Correct me if im wrong BlackLion: DHT has nothing to do with UDP at all.
Sorry for the confusion, i wasnt implying that they were, they are just the features that im looking for, both of them, and I just lumped them togehter. Excuse me if my writing style is coufusing at times. (hence the comment afterward about retiring my old bt clients).
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