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Question about ratio


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I always when dowload something, when finshed that put torrent open for seeding more than I download. Statistic show me that I download 9.44 GB, upload 10.7. That was ratio more than 1.0. But when I download some torrents after finished download I culdn't menage ratio more than 1.0 for days, because nobody wants that or maybe 1 or 2 peers. My connection is 256/128 and speed guide is xxx/128. When I download pupular torrents the upload is max, but these torrents have 1-2 kb max or less. Can I stoped before reach the ratio more than 1.0? For popualr torrent I have ratio more than 2.0.

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For popular torrents with lots of seeds and high availability with lots of peers, you don't need to seed till your ratio reaches 2.0 -- people will finish those torrents without your help.

But those torrents with no seeds and more people trying to get them, it's only fitting you seed those at least to 1:1 and hopefully till others CAN complete the torrents from others. If there's just 1 person/peer on them -- stop that torrent too, they can just be out of luck.

But if there's 2 or more peers and only 1 or no seed, they can share between each other...but need what you have that they are all missing.

You can also put in a slightly faster alternate upload speed while not downloading. Maybe even make it as high as 13 KB/sec, though your web surfing may suffer beyond 10 KB/sec.

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