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connection firewalled, WAT the heck is goin on!?


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i have tried SO many things, i removed one of my firewalls, disabled windows firewall, got zone alarm, and opened up a port, forwarded the port through routers firewall. and i've retried SO many times to make sure its right, and it is. but i still get red!

someone plz help me


Modem hooked up to wall, hooked up to router, computer (old one) hooked up to router, and this one hooked up to router as well (wireless)


here is everything u wanna know.

using zone alarm, with the ports opened. i have tried everything in ur link in ur sig, and nothing has helped, connections is DSL and wireless, and using XP of course (i was able to forward ports with my old wireless computer with the EXACT same hardware

(Ultima) Don't double-post...


I'd meant for you to describe to me how those other computers were connected not unlike how you described how your current computer is connected (which device -- the router, or modem?)


how do i do that?

just a heads up, most things 2 do with internet hardware, i have no clue wat anything does, so just tell me what it is when tellin me what 2 do, so i no wat im doing, lol, im so ignorant with this stuff. haha


Connect directly to the modem, then visit the modem/router configuration page. I don't have a SpeedStream, so I can't give you any instruction other than to find the bridge mode configuration and set the router to bridge mode.


Are you sure there isn't a bridge mode? If it's definite, then you're going to have to do this the semi-harder way by setting your router's IP address to be static, then forward from your modem to your router, then from your router to your computer.


so exactly how would i do this on the router, i have the option of Dynamic, then there is static and it says most companies have dynamic, and under static to use the one assigned to u by ur ISP, which im guessing is the one under ipconfig /all. so then how do i forward from the modem, my modem only have settings (password/username) status to see if its connected, and abot, or something like that, not hing to do with forwarding.

i've also come across another problem.

since i put the wireless card into my other computer, and now using the cable on this, when i make a static ip it says that the ip will conflict with the network card, even thogh the ip on that computer is different. AND when i set the static ip for that computer with its ACTUAL ip, not the one that was already set on the network card, the internet doesnt work. so, i mean do i HAVE to set a static ip, cause what i found is that it only changes the face to green, if its a yellow smiley the speed is still the same, i just dont want it to be red or yellow triangle.


I'm not talkng about static WAN IP. I'm talking about static LAN IP -- big difference. There should be some setting in the router to allow you to set its IP address on the modem's subnet.

(Ugh, I hate explaining double-NAT stuff...)


k so i just started using limewire, and its working fine, so im guessing there IS something wrong with the firewall i am currently using, OR the router isnt forwarding the port properly, this is SO stresssful! some1 HELP!


omgzor, i am probably an idiot or something, but even after reboot i cant see any of the other things its talkin about, it goes again directly to bell sympatico's modem configuration page which is really limiting. i really doubt it has anything to do with it though, cause the other computer upstairs thats wireless right now is getting yellow smilies, at least its not red, thats all i want. i dun get how mine gets red and the wireless one gets yellow, its definitley not the router or the modem, it has to be something to do with the firewall/s, but i have opened all ports on zone alarm, im sure of it, aaaggghh


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