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my isp limits # connections....


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because my isp has a cap on the # of connections made at one time(under 200) i have to set the max global connections to 180 and the max connected peers per torrent to a set amount depending on my # of downloads. my problem is doing this theres no way to determin the max connected peers as peers or seeds, its includes both and naturally the peers connect b4 the seeds which means i get little or no seeds connected b4 the peers which gives me extremely low speeds. i'm not sure if there is already a way around this i've been searching and cant find anything as of yet and if not i think it would be a good idea because more and more isp's are putting caps on # of connections allowed. i've tryed everything including the encryption and nothing helps but if i could allow my seeds to connect before the peers do and take up all the spots that would help a little and maybe you could add something like a minimum peer connection of 5 or something so ppl still seed

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"the peers connect before the seeds"

utorrent is given a peerlist (list of IPs and ports to connect to) from the tracker.. and it starts connecting randomly to as many people u specified in the maximum connections per torrents..

before it initiates a connection, there is no way for it to know if it's connecting to a peer or connecting to a seeder..

in the end u turn out to have more peers connected, because the torrent u're downloading has less seeders than peers.. if u follow the logic, u'll see that u have a much more higher chance of connecting to seeders than peers..

u cant help it.. 200 connections is not that bad.. my ISP used to limit my connections to 50 which was a hell.. i dont have a restriction now, and i dont see it exceed 100 even with 50 torrents seeding at the same time..

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You might even see a speed INCREASE by reducing global connections as low as 100 and leaving half-open connection max at 8.

What's your upload slots set to and your other settings?

If you're not uploading at least 1 KB/sec to a peer, they're unlikely to be uploading to you.

And if you're not uploading at least 3 KB/sec to a peer, they're likely uploading faster to someone else.

So it's a balance of getting a reasonable number of upload slots yet still keeping EACH upload slot's speed above 1 KB/sec and preferably above 3 KB/sec.

Having the use extra upload slots if upload speed <90% helps.

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i have a 5mb connection, b4 the cap i was getting an average of about 400-600kB's and i would easily have over 100 seeds connected on one torrent. now i get 25-35kB's down and 0-5 seeds on average and 20-60 for up it varies a lot, with the same settings and torrents before and after the cap was activated. i tried every different kind of setting and changed the ul/dl speed and # of connections tons of times nothing helped so far. right now i have it set to 100 for max global connections like switeck suggested and i have 4 torrents going now so i set max connected per torrent to 25, no dl or ul limit set since setting a limit wasnt making a diff i just leave it open.

i just switched my isp, new one will be activated dec 12th hopefully it will be better, they say they dont cap but thats what they all say

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u have made like a thousand connections before the cap probably.. according to the SLR (seeder-leecher ratio) u would've gotten 100 seeders and 900 leechers..

limited number of connection = limited number of total peers = limited number of seeders..

why dont u set the maximum number of connections to 190, and the maximum number of connection per torrent to 100 or something like it..

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